DoctorBill wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

Still hanging on to XP by my fingernails.

XP is too complicated for me, so i am using Linux. *g*


Well - just about the time I get comfortable with a Windows Version, old
Bill Gates changes it....then goes about his life as a Gozillionaire.

Windows 8 is nice (I heard)....but how much of it's programming is
passed over garbage (i.e. "Goto" past the old lines of Mach lang).

If it were completely rewritten, how much smaller would it be ?

Bill Gates left years ago, blame Steve Balmer.

There are persistent rumours that SP1 for Win8 is going to include a setting you can use to make it look like Win7. There is some App available on the 'net which already does that and it has over a million downloads. Even Microsoft has realised they may have a problem.

Windows generally has the problem of backward-compatability. Programs which ran under previous levels should run under newer levels. Recent versions have dropped some support for really old software but that has always been the reason for "passed over garbage". A lot of effort has gone into making Win8 boot quickly and then run fast (and securely) on modern hardware. Then some fool decided the UI should look like that of a touch-screen smartphone.
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