Marisa Ciceran wrote:


I see that you brought this up and have received no replies.

As of midday today EST, I am experiencing the same problem with both
SeaMonkey*as well as *Firefox which I have just installed. The odd thing
is that I get this error only on my own website - The home page has Java script on it which
complains frequently, but I cannot access ANY of the pages on my site
that have no Java at all. I spent well over an hour with our technical
support at, and because Internet Explorer does not block
my website, it is entirely a browser issue concerning solely Mozilla
Firefox and Seamonkey.

I tried to visit your site, and the first thing I got was a request to run an unsigned Java applet. With no information about what it was or what it wanted to do -- or even its name -- I declined.

For details, see WaltS's thorough explanation in this thread.

Having rejected your Java applet, I continued to browse the site, and was able to display all the pages I tried, except that I always had a notice at the top, "Additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page." I suppose that means you have background music or something, but other than the error message the pages appeared to be well-formed. I didn't see garbled text, boxes where graphics should be, or any other obvious defects.

I assume you trust your own applet so you're running it; in that case, perhaps an error in your applet is preventing you from viewing some of your pages.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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