Marisa Ciceran wrote:

I see that you brought this up and have received no replies.

As of midday today EST, I am experiencing the same problem with
both SeaMonkey*as well as *Firefox which I have just installed.
The odd thing is that I get this error only on my own website - The home page has Java script on it
which complains frequently, but I cannot access ANY of the pages
on my site that have no Java at all. I spent well over an hour
with our technical support at, and because Internet
Explorer does not block my website, it is entirely a browser
issue concerning solely Mozilla Firefox and Seamonkey.

Your site has problems unrelated to Mozilla browsers.
I submitted your URL to It identified over 200 errors on

The site appeared to display fine with JavaScript disabled on my end [I *NEVER* browse a unknown site with it enabled.]

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0 SeaMonkey/2.17.1
Build identifier: 20130410205058

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