Hartmut Figge wrote, On 2013-08-13 11:47:
Bernard Delmée:

please find an example below (I am posting from SM14 where the display
problem does not occur, but I've checked under SM20 and the source
revealed by Ctrl-U is strictly identical). I've taken the liberty to
edit some headers to protect the innocent (hopefully)

Delivered-To: joe.u...@mailhost.net

The ideal way to test a mail is attaching one, a very small one, to a
posting like i have done here. To test the attachment, close SM, copy
the file html3 to the directory where your Inbox resides and start SM.
You should see now a folder with the name html3 in the mail account of
your SM which contains the test mail.

Too much can go wrong when creating the attachment, so please follow the
next instructions carefully.

- You must have a html test mail in the Inbox of your mail account.
- Using SM, create there a new folder with e.g. the name html.
- Using SM, copy the test mail to the new folder html.
- Verify using SM, that the test mail in the new folder shows the
- Close SM. Don't open SM again unless told otherwise.
- Create a new folder with e.g. the name html-test on your machine.
- Copy the file html, which represents the folder html created under
   SM, from your profile to html-test.
- Copy the file html to the file html2.
- Edit html2 by removing unnecessary parts and changing private bits.
   You may look into my attachment to see, what can be done.
- Copy html2 to the profile of you SM. To the same directory where
   Inbox and the file html resides.
- Start SM. There should now be a new folder with the name html2.
- Verify with SM, that the test mail in html2 shows the problem.
- Reply to my posting with the attached file html2.

Some may complain, that attachments in a news group are evil. I don't
think so, if they are short and justified by preventing problems.


Hartmut, your test attachment looks good to me.

It appears my problems are mostly (always?) for messages coming from
users of the same enterprise setup (WinXP, Outlook/Exchange)
Not all such messages are affected, and i have also had cases where
Outlook going directly through pop/smtp (not MS-Exchange) works fine.
I suspect the problem might be with messages composed in RTF
then converted to HTML for external recipients, but cannot be sure.
These messages I feel should not be shared. I have included an edited
example previously, but doctoring the messages takes time and makes for
less than satisfactory examples anyway. I have a contact to whom I
could ask for a couple test messages, but he's currently on leave
so this will have to wait.

The fact remains that the very same messages, within the same SM profile
display fine under SM14, but not under SM17 nor SM20 (unless I switch
to  simple html). For reminders, TB10, TB16 or TB17esr also work.

I'd be perfectly happy to stick to SM14, but it is not getting security
updates nor is it compatible with current versions of lightning.

Thanks for your interest,


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