Trane Francks wrote:
On 4/9/14 1:31 PM +0900, cmcadams wrote:
Joyce Greer wrote:
My husband and I just switched from outlook Express to SeaMonkey for our email
client.  What I didn't realize (He did) was that the SeaMonkey browser would be
included in the download.

I  have the Firefox browser as my default and want to keep it that way, 
for any links that I click on in my emails.

Is there any way I can have Firefox and not SeaMonkey come up when I click on 
in my emails?  I'd appreciate any help you can give here.

Joyce Greer

Go to Firefox preferences, where there should be a button for making Firefox 
default browser. I don't have it installed on this computer so I can't tell you 
precise location.

Then, start Seamonkey Mail, go to

Edit->Preferences->Mail & Newsgroups

and on the right side you'll see buttons for making Seamonkey your default for 
and news(groups).

The problem here is that clicking links in mail, RSS, etc. will open SeaMonkey
windows rather than Firefox windows. Unless the user is willing to drag links 
Firefox all the time, there's precious little reason to suggest using SeaMonkey 
mail and Firefox for web. When using Firefox, Thunderbird makes a better mail, 
and RSS choice. IMO, YMMV and all that.

I wasn't suggesting anything except how she could accomplish what she stated she wished to do.
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