hawker wrote:
On 7/16/2014 9:07 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
Hey Everyone,

Again I'm sorry for delays on beta's, and sorry for delays which caused
us to technically skip a gecko release last cycle.

But I wanted to give you all a followup, I'm getting much closer to
getting a beta out there now, and correcting dev versions from our
system, however it looks likely we won't have a release within a day or
two of Firefox this cycle.

I'm going to concentrate our effort on getting a new beta out the door
within a week of Firefox's final release, if for some reason I can't,
I'm planning on backing out my effort temporarily to ship another
"sec/stability release" based on teh last full seamonkey release.

That sec/stability work would delay our other work here by about a week,
but I don't want to leave everyone stranded with regards to security/etc
any longer than necessary.

If all goes well, I'm expecting to have a final release, based on the
current Firefox release out no later than 2-weeks after Firefox is

And if everything does go well, we can have yet another new beta after

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Thank you for all you do for Seamonkey.
FWIW I could care less how often Seamonkey gets updated. Every 6 months
or even more would be fine. The security updates don't bother me either
since I think I have most of it dealt with in other ways.

What is important to me is that the limited volunteer resources get as
much done for the project as possible in the limited time they have. I
want to see bug fixes and features that keep SM the best browser out
there. If frequent releases distract from that then who cares.
It seems to me if you had half as many releases we would see more
accomplished in the end over time since your not worrying about build
schedules, release dates, beta testing etc.

Why does SM have to stay on such a fast release schedule? What was wrong
with the slower schedule of yesteryear? Just because FF and TB do it
does SM need to as well?

SeaMonkey has to keep updating the browsing capabilities as well as the security. The interface does not have to keep changing, thank goodness.

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