Interviewed by CNN on 18/08/2014 22:21, Ed Mullen told the world:

> Scaling an inmage via HTML is horrid practice.  The image file still 
> needs to be downloaded in its full size, wasting bandwidth.
> The proper practice is to use an image program to re-size the original 
> to an appropriate Web size.
> For instance, an original image of 2592 x 1944 and 1.24 Mb can be 
> reduced to something like 800 x 500 and 118 Kb.  A much more manageable 
> Web scenario.
> If you use the HTML of:
> <img src="pic.jpg style="width: 800px; height: 500px;" alt="bob">
> and pic.jpg is actually 2592 x 1944 and 1.24 Mb, that is what the server 
> sends.  Re-scale it using something like IrfanView.  It's free.
> Some people are still on slower connections with data caps.  I'm not but 
> that doesn't mean I ignore that fact for people who visit my sites.
> I scale my photos/images accordingly.

It's a matter of tradeoffs.

Of course, if you are going to make a thumbnail gallery of
high-resolution, high-quality photos, there's no question that creating
the thumbnails as separate, tiny files is the better route --
particularly because it's likely that the visitor will only want to see
the full-size version of a few of those images. On the more extreme
examples, the gains can be huge -- like saving 99% on the downloads.

OTOH, if there are few images, the original image is not that much
larger than the reduced-size one, an you want to make the full-size one
available to the visitor, using HTML resizing can even give the visitor
a net gain by not downloading two different versions of the same image.
It also allows you to dynamically resize the image to the viewport.


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