EE wrote on 17/01/2015 19:05:
NFN Smith wrote:
EE wrote:

I am using the latest version of Adblock Plus, 2.6.7. It does not block
ads with SM 2.32.  There is a large ad banner that will appear on the
first page of YouTube and it appears if I am running SM 2.32. With SM
2.31, there are no ads visible on YouTube. Also, the toolbar button for
Adblock Plus disappears, and it is impossible to get to the interface
for the filter lists.

Have you tried restarting in Safe Mode?  There may be something else in
your user profile that's disrupting Adblock Plus.

I've occasionally found that that simply going to Safe Mode, and then
reenabling my extensions one by one is enough to clear odd things in my
user profile.  Also, you might try an ininstall/reinstall of just
Adblock Plus.

Just to double-check, you could try adding an additional user profile,
and seeing how ABP behaves in a fresh profile.

As mentioned previously, I'm not having any problems with ABP 2.6.7 in
SM 2.32, in either Windows or Ubuntu Linux.

I guessing your problems are specific to your user profile, and not a
more general problem with the combination of ABP and SM 2.32.


Somebody finally gave me the solution (on a web forum).  The setting:
dom.indexedDB.enabled has to be set to true now in order for Adblock Plus to work with SeaMonkey.

It's true by default in my SM ...
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