On 01/17/2015 03:06 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
> EE wrote on 17/01/2015 19:05:
>> NFN Smith wrote:
>>> EE wrote:
>>>> I am using the latest version of Adblock Plus, 2.6.7.  It does not 
>>>> block
>>>> ads with SM 2.32.  There is a large ad banner that will appear on the
>>>> first page of YouTube and it appears if I am running SM 2.32. With SM
>>>> 2.31, there are no ads visible on YouTube.  Also, the toolbar button 
>>>> for
>>>> Adblock Plus disappears, and it is impossible to get to the interface
>>>> for the filter lists.
>>> Have you tried restarting in Safe Mode?  There may be something else in
>>> your user profile that's disrupting Adblock Plus.
>>> I've occasionally found that that simply going to Safe Mode, and then
>>> reenabling my extensions one by one is enough to clear odd things in my
>>> user profile.  Also, you might try an ininstall/reinstall of just
>>> Adblock Plus.
>>> Just to double-check, you could try adding an additional user profile,
>>> and seeing how ABP behaves in a fresh profile.
>>> As mentioned previously, I'm not having any problems with ABP 2.6.7 in
>>> SM 2.32, in either Windows or Ubuntu Linux.
>>> I guessing your problems are specific to your user profile, and not a
>>> more general problem with the combination of ABP and SM 2.32.
>>> Smith
>> Somebody finally gave me the solution (on a web forum).  The setting:
>> dom.indexedDB.enabled has to be set to true now in order for Adblock 
>> Plus to work with SeaMonkey.
> It's true by default in my SM ...

Your point? ... drum roll please:

From: Ray_Net
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