Miles Fidelman wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:

...I'd like you to be more specific in the Release Notes.

Some one of you has a Mac - the task should have been passed off to that
individual.  If nobody can do that job, then perhaps you should stop
releasing a Mac version.


Instead of trying to recruit some people that know Mac. Continue on
with the treating Mac's as play toys and Mac users as second class
citizens, since they came on the, air and Macs came on Market, over 20
years ago.

As a long-time Mac user, I can relate to the sentiment.  [Note that I
also use Windows (current employer), Linux (server farm that I manage,
used to be Solaris, and Android (cell phone), and support my wife and
kids' iPads and iPhones - so not coming from a "fanboy" perspective.]

Mac, iPhone, iPads are the fast growing Market in computer industry

I could swear that it's Android.

Apple  is making the Most money of any Computer Tech company in
existence today.

Right up there, but don't count out Samsung, Foxconn, HP, IBM, Google,
etc.  Not sure if I completely trust Wikipedia as a source, but it's
listing samsung as no. 1 right now.

Its seems the majority of people have rebelled against being treated
as 5 year old children with Shinny buttons and want the experience of
actually using a computer. Laid out like a computer. For PC people
System 7 was the best and 10 will apparently back track some what, to
System 7 at least in look and feel, If not operation. MS is even
planing to Retire IE, and come out with a Shinny new replacement that
works like Safari and Chrome.

At least some of us still swear by XP - to the extent that corporations
are paying 3rd parties for post-end-of-life support.

Miles Fidelman

Where I work we have tools that still require XP, and need that support...end of life for XP is a real problem, and I can sympathize with that!

I don't really care about who has what "share" of what - I'm all for freedom of choice and what someone uses depends on what they want to *do* IMO, and doesn't bother me a whit. But I do care about truth in advertizing, quality control, and the *whole* job getting done, when and if it's supposedly being done.

By it's very nature, if someone is going to sign on to do multi-platform releases of a product they have taken on a *huge* task...I would think - and hope - that people that do this actually understand that and tool up to support each platform equally in the interests of their own integrity and quality control from the *start*.

If they can't or aren't willing to do this then I'd rather they just plain stay out of the multi-platform arena and do the best with and for what they choose, rather than to have them releasing sub-quality or non-equivalent quality versions for "non-primary" platforms just for show.

And then *whining* about how whomever they've slighted isn't worth the trouble anyway because they "don't amount to much"...that's just *really* poor form, and destroys any respect that should be due "volunteerism". I mean, SERIOUSLY? Just be clear and concise about limitations and intent so clear choices can be made, and cut the whining. Be professional. That's all I really want.

     - Rufus
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