Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Rufus wrote:
»Q« wrote:
In <>,
Rufus <> wrote:

[about communication wrt level of support for different platforms]
Be professional.  That's all I really want.

Clearly, you have a vision of a much more "professional" SeaMonkey
organization.  But IME, telling a community of F/LOSS volunteers what
they should do, without doing any of it yourself, is a lot like farting
in the wind.  Maybe you could open a dialog with the people who build
the releases and type up what you learn about multi-platform support in
a clear, "professional" manner?

Anyone that posts feedback is a "volunteer".  We all do it.

If one wants to get paid, one should get a paying job.  Otherwise, if
you're doing it for the sheer love of doing it, then do the best you can
and stop whining about being a "volunteer".

There's a big difference in what one can demand of a paid employee and
what one can demand of a volunteer. Volunteers donate their time as a
gift that is not mandatory, so the recipient cannot reasonably impose
conditions on the nature and manner of that donation. If one tries, one
will just drive them away. A volunteer who says, "don't push me!" is
warning against crossing that line, and a recipient who complains about
"whining" is showing ingratitude for the gift and disrespect for the donor.

Bottom line: if one is not paying for it, one is not entitled to
anything. So one should ask nicely or STFU.

...excuses, excuses.

     - Rufus
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