cmcadams wrote:
Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
cmcadams wrote:
Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:

Same, but I do manual scans once a week, for form's sake. First and only time I
ever "got
got" was a Java update that changed its own settings, and I stupidly didn't 
No more
Java, here.

Yah, I do a full scan once per week on all the machines with an anti-vir
and Malwarebytes.  If a comp starts acting strange I do a scan with
a Linux boot CD scanner and anti-root kitter.
So far, any strangeness has been by my own doing!

I keep multiple partition backups on an external disk, and if something happens,
usually because of something I did, I can revert without much angst. Saves 
needing to
get fancy. I've never had anything get beyond a boot partition, that I know of. 
if it did having the backups, plus something capable of rewriting boot sectors,
should serve (he said, ever so confidently.) If not, there are always 
and holy water.

Should have mentioned that Adobe Acrobat is also a thing of the past, and I 
keep my
Flashes locked down. No saving to disk, no sharing, no nothin' but playing 
The three, Java, Adobe and Flash, seem to be the main players.

And Adblock Plus! Never ever forget that...
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