Rick Merrill wrote:
HenriK wrote on 07/12/2015 4:58 PM:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
HenriK wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
HenriK wrote:

In trying to update a copy of SM v.2.30 to the latest version on a
Win7Home Premium PC, the update fails and an error message is
returned claiming a 2nd version of SM is running.  After a
file-by-file search using Windows Explorer, I couldn't find any
evidence of a 2nd copy of SM but I wasn't clear about what evidence I
should have been looking for.

Try looking at the "Processes" tab of Windows Task Manager
(CTRL-SHIFT-ESC). Do you see any SeaMonkeys there?

This sometimes occurs when SM doesn't shut down correctly.

Thanks for the thought.  I looked in Task Manager and didn't see
anything beyond the single copy I thought I was running.

I wonder if the problem could be caused by some stray bit of material
lurking in the registry?

If I tell Control Panel to deinstall SeaMonkey, my understanding is
the profile, mail, bookmarks, etc., do NOT get deleted.  Is that a
correct understanding?  If so, might a SM deinstallation and
installation of the most recent SM version solve my problem? Or, would
a deinstallation/new installation create more trouble?

Precisely that advice has been given many times in this forum by
authoritative experts, just as you say.

Worth a try, once you've shut down all copies/versions of SM. If you
still get the error message even when WTM says you're clear, post back.

I am really confused. Win7 Home Task Manager consistently indicates no
SM is running after a deinstall of v.2.30. Fortunately, my profile
info was left untouched by the v.2.30 deinstall process.  BUT, I still
get the error message that the v.2.33.1, the newest version won't
install because another copy of SM (version not stated) is running.
After clicking past the error message window, however, I find that
v.2.33.1 has, in fact, been installed.  How do I get rid of this
nuisance error message?

Although I have been around since the MS-DOS days and don't really
understand much about any Windows version after W98, I can't help but
wonder if some odd bid of something has been left by the SM v.2.30
deinstall process in the registry or some other obscure place or that
the v.2.33.1 install mechanism code fails to do something it was
supposed to do.  Again, any ideas on how to get rid of the nuisance
error message and what is causing this problem?

Thanks, in advance for pointers to tutorials, and any suggestions or
Knowing nothing about the issue, I am reminded of times when I had to
reboot the whole computer because some program had left an in-use flag
on a file that a program needed and only a reboot would clear it.
You name what what I tried to describe: some program - in this case, the SM upgrade process - has left an 'in-use flag' alive. If that is the case, how does one get rid of the unwanted 'in-use flag'? Multiple reboots of the PC didn't solve the problem.
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