DoctorBill wrote:

When I turn on my "New" (used) compuker with Windows 7 installed, I
will load SM 2.39 on it from the Thumb Drive.

Big question - will it be possible to set it up on the NEW computer
with ALL the same stuff I now have on THIS computer under Win XP and
SM 2.33.1 (same Mail, Bookmarks, Add-ons, Plug-Ins, etc) by copying
files to the SM directory on the new computer....?

I hope I asked that question w/o confusing everyone ! i.e. - make the
new compuker have exactly what I now have on this old compuker....not
lose anything.

Simple answer: yes and no.

Yes, once you install SM 2.39, it's easy to migrate your mail, bookmarks, and prefs.

No, you can't easily migrate your add-ons and plug-ins. Those have to be installed individually the same way you did on the old computer.

Here's a simple recipe that works for me; others may offer other options:

1) Install SM 2.39 on the new computer. If you don't already have the installer, you can download it from <>.

2) Install all your preferred add-ons, plugins, and extensions on the new computer. When you're done, you should have the same set on both computers.

The hard part is done. Now for the easy part:

3) In Windows Explorer, locate your profile on the thumb drive, and navigate up three levels to the \Mozilla\ directory. In a separate Windows Explorer window, do the same on the new computer.

4) With SM closed, rename the \Mozilla\ directory on the new computer to \Old_Mozilla\.

5) Copy the \Mozilla\ directory from the thumb drive to the new computer next to \Old_Mozilla\ (to the same parent directory, which should be C:\Users\YourNameHere\AppData\Roaming\). "YourNameHere" is your Windows user name.

You're done.

If there's a problem, you can always revert by deleting the copied \Mozilla\ directory from the new computer and unrenaming \Old_Mozilla\ back to \Mozilla\.

Do remember to run Windows Update -- there are a lot of updates, patches, and bug fixes since MS produced the CD you got in the store (or if it was preinstalled, since MS produced the CD the shop used). The current version is Service Pack 1.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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