On 1/20/2016 1:24 PM, DICK HOFFMAN wrote:
I'm posting this again because I've run out of ideas to try and maybe
someone out there has something new to suggest. It's hard for me to
believe that I'm the only one experiencing this given that my system is
pretty vanilla. I'm running SM 2.39 with no add-ons or extensions except
those that came with the SM version, on a Win 8.1 Pro system. My email
is a POP account with Earthlink. When I forward an email sometimes, but
not always, SeaMonkey locks up the system for about 90 seconds and I
cannot do anything but tell Windows to close SeaMonkey to get control
again unless I wait for those 90 seconds. During the lock-up I see a
small status window that says " Status: Mail sent successfully" and
which contains a green status bar that varies from 100% down to about
50%. The tiny blue arrow in the list of emails that indicates I've
forwarded this one is not posted until after the system becomes unfrozen
and the status window goes away. Forwarding inline or as an attachment
makes no difference and forwarding in plain text vice html also makes no
difference. I've tried running in "Safe" mode, and I've tried creating a
new profile and running under it to no avail. Very annoying. The problem
does not occur when I forward an email using Gmail. Should I post this
in Bugzilla?
Dick Hoffman

This problem is not limited to forwarding messages. It also happens, much less frequently, when I send a new message or reply to something in a newsgroup.
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