On 5/4/2016 10:09 AM, NFN Smith wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 5/3/2016 4:22 PM, G. Ross wrote:
>>> I used to know how to change it, but having a senior moment.
>> I use the PrefBar extension.  It contains a menulist called User Agent
>> that allows you to change the UA string.  If you forget that you changed
>> the UA string, it reverts back to your default, when you either launch
>> or terminate SeaMonkey (I do not remember which, but the effect is the
>> same).
>> The data in the User Agent menulist requires updating now and then as
>> other browser developers release new browser versions.  This requires
>> completely deleting the User Agent menulist and then importing the new
>> data.  I can send you my current data, but I am unlikely to keep
>> providing future updates.  If you want a copy of my current data,
>> indicate that in this thread; I will then upload the file to my Web
>> server and report here the URI.
> I concur with PrefBar, although the default strings offered are really old.
> You don't necessarily have to delete the existing list, but you do have 
> to edit, to show the spoofing that you want.  In my experience, I 
> generally update my strings to more current version numbers, about twice 
> a year.
> In my case, I do happen to have Firefox installed, and when I want to 
> update the PrefBar spoofing in Seamonkey, it's easy enough to 
> copy/paste, based on a live installation.
> For other spoofings I do (and I have several), a useful source of 
> strings can be found at: 
> http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php.
> Smith

To edit the menulist, you are correct:  It does not have to be deleted.

To IMPORT a new version of the menulist, however, you must first delete
the existing menulist.  While you can import the new version of a
checkbox or button over an existing one, you cannot import a new version
of a menulist over an old one.  Quite some time ago, this was confirmed
to me in an E-mail from Manuel Reimer, the developer of PrefBar.

David E. Ross

Donald Trump claims everyone likes him.  Does that
include his ex-wives?  How about the students who
discovered that their education at Trump University
was worthless?
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