On 5/4/2016 10:52 AM, EE wrote:
> Desiree wrote:
>> On 5/3/2016 1:22 PM, G. Ross wrote:
>>> I used to know how to change it, but having a senior moment.
>> The extension User Agent Switcher works well.
>> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/user-agent-switcher/
>> I've used it for many years on Fx and recently added it to SeaMonkey.
>> You will need to import the user agent list from
>> http://techpatterns.com/forums/about304.html.
> Why do the people who make these lists of user-agents not fill in all 
> the blanks other than vendor?  If the appcodename, appname, appversion, 
> and platform are left blank, it becomes obvious that the user-agent is 
> faked.

PrefBar only needs a user-defined name for the UA string plus the UA
string itself.  The import file is NOT .xml, which is what User Agent
Switcher uses.

I hand-edit the UA menulist from a log of visits to my Web site, which
contains the UAs of visiting browsers.  I do this about once every 1-2
months in my primary SeaMonkey profile.  Then I export the menulist and
import it to my other profiles and to the SeaMonkey profiles on my
wife's PC, each time deleting the existing menulist before importing the
new one.

David E. Ross

Donald Trump claims everyone likes him.  Does that
include his ex-wives?  How about the students who
discovered that their education at Trump University
was worthless?
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