gobruins91...@gmail.com wrote:

2 Seamonkey windows, first with 1 tab, second with 20, 6 of which are Facebook. 
Facebook is one of those sites that normally kills my browser. CPU% went up to 
65% while pages loading, now in the teens, was below that, right now went up to 
52% while I was typing, right now at 13-23%.
Seamonkey is using 1.0 GB of memory.
Anybody care to guess what the problem was and what happened?

Not enough memory for all those things.
32 bit limits you to about 4g ram.
Vital processes and video will eat about 1.5g, leaving you 2.5g to do fun stuff 
Don't run anything else at the same time as SM and keep tabs to absolute min, like less than 2. Clear SM cache often, let Win handle the o/s page file.

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