On 9/13/2017 at 4:34 PM, rjkrjk created this epitome of digital genius:
just use MOZBACKUP,   you can select what you want backed up.... real

DoctorBill wrote on 9/13/17 1:21 PM:
I just backed up my Bookmarks to a Thumb Drive - there is a backup
choice under "tools"
in the Bookmarks manager to do that.

I have four "Address Books".
How can I back those up to a Thumbdrive ?
Do I use "Export" ?
If so, do I Export each of the four Address Books ?

How about backing up the Passwords ?

DoctorBill  using SM 2.46

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My understanding is it has been abandoned and no longer is in development.

You really should be backing up the entire drive on a regular basis as someone else has suggested. I use TODO Backup. There is a free version.


My C:\ and G:\ drives automatically backup nightly when I'm not using the PC. The other PCs backup weekly on a staggered schedule. The entire drive or individual file(s) can be restored very easily using Windows Explorer.

My backup are stored on a 1Tb USB drive. One in the bank box and I swap them out periodically.

Ed Mullen
"Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care." - William Safire
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