Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Daniel wrote:

Some of you may be aware that I recently deleted my entire Win7 SeaMonkey Profile. I currently have two situations that I'd like to fix ....

1.    In my SeaMonkey Browser, I have my "Home Page" set up to display seven tabs. When I mouse-over the SM icon on the Windows 7 taskbar, I usually (use to) see three windows, Chatzilla, Mail/News and the Browser. Currently I see nine windows, Chatzilla, Mail/News and the seven Browser tab screens. What setting do I need to change, please??

1) Right-click an empty area on the Taskbar. If you see a check mark next to "Lock the Taskbar," uncheck it.

Was set to "Lock", so I unlocked it.

2) Right-click an empty area on the Taskbar again, choose "Properties."
3) In the dialog that appears, on the "Taskbar" tab, examine the setting for "Taskbar buttons." If it says "Never combine," pull down your preferred option from the button and OK out.

Was set to "Always combine, Hide labels" which is what I think I wanted.

4) If you had to unlock the Taskbar to do this, relock it as in step 1).
Re-locked and no change! As all the SeaMonkey icons are grouped togeather, could it actually be a SeaMonkey setting that will cause all the browser tabs to appear as a single Browser "screen" when mouse-overing the "SeaMonkey" icon on the taskbar??

2.    On my UseNet server (, a lot of the threads are disjointed, i.e. what was a thread of, say, fifteen posts might now be showing as several disconnected threads. So, rather than marking one thread of 50 posts as read, I might have twenty threads each of two or three posts. How can I fix this?? Delete some index file and re-create it?? Whatever??

Sorry, can't help.

Thanks for trying.


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Go Dallas Cowgirls!! .... Er, Um, ... I  mean "Go Dallas Cowboys!!"
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