On 08/12/2017 06:31, Daniel wrote:

> 2.    On my UseNet server (news.eternal-september.org), a lot of the 
> threads are disjointed, i.e. what was a thread of, say, fifteen posts 
> might now be showing as several disconnected threads. So, rather than 
> marking one thread of 50 posts as read, I might have twenty threads each 
> of two or three posts. How can I fix this?? Delete some index file and 
> re-create it?? Whatever??

Do you have filters that DELETE messages?

Yes, deleting the index will make SM download all the headers
again, including those that might be missing.

Close SM. Navigate to your Profile in the Explorer.
Go to News/news.eternal-september.org
Delete (or rename to .bak) the *.msf for the NG you want to fix.

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