Le vendredi 25 octobre 2019 00:02:06 UTC+2, Rob Steinmetz a écrit :
> OK,
> It's fixed. Thanks to everyone who pitched in.
> I still don't know what was actually wrong. I could never duplicate the 
> problem and none of the suggestions exposed the actual issue.
> I went back into my profile and cleared pretty much everything in 
> Private Data again except Cookies, Offline Website Data and Saved 
> Logins. I cleared Browsing History, Location Bar History, Download 
> History, Saved Form and Search History, Cache and Authenticated 
> Sessions. One of those cleared up whatever was messed up.
> If it ever happens again I'll try to methodically clear each one 
> separately to see if it can be isolated.
> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> > Rob Steinmetz wrote:
> >> I've also removed a and reinstalled SeaMonkey.It seems something is
> >> cacheing the login in information but I can't find it.
> > 
> > This would be a user setting and removing and reinstalling SeaMonkey no
> > matter how often you do it will not clear a user profile setting.
> > 
> > As suggested create a pristine profile. Do nothing on profile but log
> > into site with user settings and have remember me set. Open data manager
> > and note ALL domains with settings now. That will be what your have to
> > clear, "forget", on your original profile in order to clear old credentials
> >

Have such kind of problem yesterday.
I have an outlook webmail account from my company? 
Message after account/passwd provided: 
"the custom error module does not recognize this error."
and no way to go ahead.
I try deleting cookies from microsoft: no difference.
I delete all datas stored from microsoft: no difference. 
A new profile works well...
Finally i find an enter stored with a name unrelated (well, normal person can 
not knows it is reated to this) to outlook or microsoft: seraching for the 
account name i find two entries and delete them: bingo now it works.
What i guess:
Oulook strts from some weeks asking "do you want to stay logged in" and i 
always answer "No"
A mark is here to instrcut "do not ask me anymore" but checked or nor brings to 
same behavior: i have always this question.
Tired to answer "No", i try "Yes" on wedneday; on thursday it was broken 
withnthe silly message "the custom error module does not recognize this error"
I higly suspect this is related.
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