Mike C wrote:
Just curious...
Why does
Mozilla Seamonkey do this.
Mozella Firefox doesn't

I thought Both SM and FF were both Mozilla.

I noted before is that it's how Google handles things with the User Agent setting. If you set Seamonkey to show a standard Firefox UA, then Google's displays are what you expect. If you use the normal Seamonkey UA (with or without advertising of Firefox compatibility), then the display is off, in the way that you have described.

For what it is worth, I just checked Pale Moon, where the UA is showing

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.4 Firefox/60.9 PaleMoon/28.7.2

where the text following "Firefox" is a PaleMoon identifier, and I'm not seeing any display problems there. I don't have a Waterfox implementation to check.

There's no telling as to why Google seems to be singling out Seamonkey, but it could be that whoever is making the call at Google may be working under the assumption that Seamonkey is dead. At the same time, the number of Seamonkey users is small enough that for whatever feedback they get, changing this issue may be designated as WONTFIX, because the number of users is too small to care about.

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