Daniel wrote:
Ray Davison wrote on 09/01/20 16:47:
Daniel wrote:
I watch four groups on this server, so the fact that any replys I have to any threads in any of these groups all go into the one folder is no great problem ... However ....

On my UseNet server, I monitor about 75 groups, Sure, most of them have very little to nil action, but some newsgroups are still reasonably active.

So, what I would like to do (at the start of this new year) is to set up outgoing filters so, say, all the replies to Operating Systems (Win7 & Linux) type newsgroups automatically go into one folder, all the replies to T.V. show type newsgroups go into a second folder and all the rest go into a third folder.

Remembering that this is for my outgoing messages, is this possible?? Maybe by setting up filters on the Local Folders 'Sent' folder!

Anyone got any ideas?? Or, better still, are able to direct me to on-line instructions.

Edit > Mail & News > Account > Copies & Folders > When sending messages  > Sent folder on



Thanks, Ray, that's what I do at the moment, but what I want to do it have the messages sent to some groups on my UseNet account go into one folder/sub-folder and messages sent to other groups *on the same server* going into different folders/sub-folders!!

(As a side note: here I am replying to Ray's response to my post when I cannot even 'see' my OP!!)

If "OP" is original post, it is still here.  I did not trim any of it.

I have not been anywhere near UseNet in a very long time. If you are sending from within SM, you can send from one account and create a copy in a different account. But everything sent from that account is saved in whatever account you select.

As for where to save sent messages, if you don't want them in an existing account, you can create three dummy accounts used to just store sent mail. But you will need a separate send account for each save account.

I don't know what your current incoming mail looks like, but you can do a lot with incoming filters and multiple email addresses.

Later.  I'm off to Quartzsite, AZ for a few days.


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