On 10/19/2020 2:51 PM, NFN Smith wrote:
Ant wrote:
Dave, others and I ran into this back in the end of September 2020 in "Cannot Access Verizon.com LogIn OR Chase.com SM 2.53.4 W10 Pro" newsgroup thread in this newsgroup. More and more web sites are annoyingly doing this. :(

Yep.  I find financial institutions in general to have this issue, and Chase seems to be the most aggressive.

Yeah, I'm seeing more non-financial ones too like https://www.rottentomatoes.com/ that takes me to https://www.rottentomatoes.com/unsupported-browser?err=custom-elements,shadow-dom (at least, it still supports Firefox). I had a specific thread about this issue in my 9/2/2020 9:38 PM PDT newsgroup post titled "RottenTomatoes.com rejects SeaMonkey even with fake UAs."

I went as far as the login screen, and there's the usual drivel about security issues.  Earlier today, I was reading the meeting notes from Seamonkey devs, and they're pretty current on getting updates backported.

It really comes down to the people at Chase don't want to be bothered with anything other than Chrome, current versions of Firefox, Safari, and maybe Edge.

Yep. This had been around when Internet Explorer (IE) was winning the web browser war before Chrome joined the fight. Now, IE is way down like Firefox and SeaMonkey with Chrome being the top. Developers are lazy, don't want to work more, and don't care. Argh. :(

For what it's worth, I was just at Constant Contact, and they explicitly complained about Seamonkey, but didn't prevent me from logging in.

Hmm, we all should complain. Is there a specific contact method you used? Did they answer back yet?
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