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Jay Oliveri wrote:
| On Monday 14 June 2004 08:45 am, David Masover wrote:
|>Madeline Brubaker wrote:
|>| Would someone step me through setting up Norton Internet Security
|>| Professional properly? I'm not entirely sure how to
|>Do yourself a favor, and don't run that software.
|>Yes, I'm a Linux nut.  My attitude towards Windows boxes is:  almost all
|>Windows boxes are so horribly insecure that I don't trust anything to
|>them, including my full name.
| However, I must also use Windows; I am a musician who uses Cakewalk
Sonar on

I have to use Windows also -- I need my Natural Selection.  That said, I
refuse to let Windows store my Steam password, and only use it to
install NS, because the installer doesn't work on Wine.

| XP; nothing like it exists for Linux, regardless of what some people say
| about the various sound projects still in their relative infancy.  I use

Speaking of which, have you tried Wine for this?  Do keep trying other
projects as well, btw -- check out ardour.sf.net -- "infancy"?  Feels
much smoother than Pro Tools to me.

For that matter, you might take some time to learn some code --
math/programming and music skills go hand in hand, and it solves the
problem of being an end-user.  Rather than whining about a missing
feature, you go write it.  Not that whining is bad, just that coding can
be a lot more fun and productive.

Anyhow, if I were you, I'd have a separate computer (an older one) to
use for stuff you want to be secure, and use your windows computer for
stuff that you back up a lot.

| Norton AntiVirus on Windows (not *their* firewall) and the XP firewall to
| simply block everything.  While working in Sonar I usually just
| the network connection from within XP.

Try unplugging the cable?  I wouldn't trust XP any farther than I can
sled on an install disk.  I'd either keep the cable unplugged from my
first boot or assume it was already infected.

| I had an external firewall only that sat between the cable modem and the
| house LAN, but there was a problem; someone else on the LAN got a worm
| (they aren't as savvy) and I was running Windows without a firewall, and
| with file sharing turned on.  I lost a lot of time ;)

Exactly why I don't run windows ;)

| My point is; sometimes people run Windows.  If anyone could explain
how they
| got their Norton Firewall running it would probably be helpful.

Alright, point taken.  I still would say:  tell them first that they
need to be more secure than Norton Firewall, and give them the resources
(how-to's) to do it.  Then tell them how to fix Norton Firewall, if they
still want to do it that way.
|>Most secure solution: install FreeBSD (or some other BSD).  Second most
|>secure soltuion: install Linux, preferrably Gentoo or Debian.
| FreeBSD above Debian Stable? :)

Yes :P
I HATE Debian Stable.  Debian Testing is tolerable.  Gentoo is God.
(bicker, bicker, bicker)

| This is great, but above some people's technical skills.  Freenet is easy
| enough for a novice to install, and we have many of them as our
userbase to
| an extent.

And firefox isn't?  Last I checked, freenet is a hell of a lot harder to
install than firefox or thunderbird.

Also, novices can usually follow step-by-step directions, and novices
who want to use Freenet should probably be given a notice as to where to
find such directions for how to secure themselves -- at least moderately.

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