This is off-topic, but illustrates some attitudes around here that are not 
helpful for a Freenet Support list.

On Monday 14 June 2004 06:46 pm, David Masover wrote:
> Jay Oliveri wrote:
> | On Monday 14 June 2004 08:45 am, David Masover wrote:
> |>Madeline Brubaker wrote:
> |>| Would someone step me through setting up Norton Internet Security
> |>| Professional properly? I'm not entirely sure how to
> |>
> |>Do yourself a favor, and don't run that software.
> |>
> |>Yes, I'm a Linux nut.  My attitude towards Windows boxes is:  almost
> |> all Windows boxes are so horribly insecure that I don't trust anything
> |> to them, including my full name.
> |
> | However, I must also use Windows; I am a musician who uses Cakewalk
> | Sonar on
> I have to use Windows also -- I need my Natural Selection.  That said, I
> refuse to let Windows store my Steam password, and only use it to
> install NS, because the installer doesn't work on Wine.
> | XP; nothing like it exists for Linux, regardless of what some people
> | say about the various sound projects still in their relative infancy. 
> | I use
> Speaking of which, have you tried Wine for this?  Do keep trying other
> projects as well, btw -- check out -- "infancy"?  Feels
> much smoother than Pro Tools to me.

Are you qualified to make a comparison between Ardour and Pro Tools?  Have 
you done extensive recording with Pro Tools and Sonar?  If/when Ardour 
reaches 3.x it may be able to compete with Sonar 3.  Currently it doesn't 
do MIDI sequencing, and all of today's music regardless of the genre uses 
sequencing (yes I know it's a DAW, but Sonar is a DAW and sequencer among 
other things).  This is all based on the experience I gained from recording 
3 albums on 2 different labels.

> For that matter, you might take some time to learn some code --
> math/programming and music skills go hand in hand, and it solves the
> problem of being an end-user.  Rather than whining about a missing
> feature, you go write it.  Not that whining is bad, just that coding can
> be a lot more fun and productive.

You didn't read my signature did you?  Check the C code in FCPtools and let 
me know if that shows programming skill.  I have a BA degree in CS and code 
for a living.

Now I also write music.  So during the day I program for a living.  I code 
on the Freenet Project for no money in my spare time, and I write & record 
songs for my current musical project (which doesn't pay much either).  Are 
you realistically saying that I should *also* code a DAW in addition to 
managing a band and composing?  Get real.

> Anyhow, if I were you, I'd have a separate computer (an older one) to
> use for stuff you want to be secure, and use your windows computer for
> stuff that you back up a lot.

Which I do.

> | Norton AntiVirus on Windows (not *their* firewall) and the XP firewall
> | to simply block everything.  While working in Sonar I usually just
> | disconnect the network connection from within XP.
> Try unplugging the cable?  I wouldn't trust XP any farther than I can
> sled on an install disk.  I'd either keep the cable unplugged from my
> first boot or assume it was already infected.

Then you know nothing about Windows.  I've been able to secure Windows since 
the NT days; and it was harder back then.  Microsoft has recently been 
forced to address the security issues inherent in their *install* of 
Windows.  Windows basically installs with everything wide open, so that all 
the end-user apps will work properly.  This doesn't mean you cannot tighten 
Windows, and the US government uses a heavily modified install of Windows 
that is quite tight; you can search for the documents on how this is done.

Being that this is a "support" list, support those who have questions in 
things you have answers for and ignore the rest.  And let those who wish to 
remain ignorant of the technical details remain so.

Jay Oliveri
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FCPTools Maintainer
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