Really people, can we take the advocacy to chat or private email? Oh and
btw, the number of nodes on freenet is ~ 4000-16000.

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 07:53:38PM -0400, Michael R. Stork wrote:
> David Masover wrote:
> >>an excuse to tell them how ignorant they are for "not doing it your way"
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >I was suggesting my way.  I wasn't implying that anyone was stupid.
> >
> Perhaps it wasn't you that made the first comment, but the first person 
> who started talking about Linux in this thread did so by implying that 
> doing anything other then installing Linux was stupid and a waste of 
> time. If that wasn't you, then you just jumped on the Linux rant after that.
> >>niche that's not going to be supported by the mainstream. And, if it
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >I suspect that this niche would include much of freenet.  If I don't even
> >trust my ISP, how am I supposed to trust Microsoft?
> >
> I NEVER said I trusted Microsoft ! I don't even really like Microsoft, 
> and I agree that Windows isn't a great OS. What I disagree with is your 
> assertion that it's possible to do all the same things with Linux as you 
> can with Windows. Yes, there is more software being produced now that 
> will run under Linux, but there's no where near the same variety.
> >>ever does take off, and surplant Windows as the standard, then the
> >>hackers will just start writing their malicious code to infect it, and
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >It's already got something like 25-30% of the web server market.  Don't
> >you think they've been trying?  Maybe it's the open-source nature, or the
> >engineering of these systems that makes them more secure?
> > 
> >
> And ? You're just helping make my point. 25-30% of a small portion of 
> the total computer market is what in terms of totla number of computers 
> ? I'm still guessing it's less then 1%. Most of Freenet, how many 
> Freenet nodes are out there ? 2500 or so ? Again, a small niche market. 
> I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with Linux. I've said several 
> times now, that I agree that Linux is more secure then Windows, I just 
> think that using any oppurtunity to try to push it is just plain stupid. 
> The average computer user, not technician or programmer, is running 
> Windows. When they ask for help configuring a piece of software, so that 
> Freenet works ON THIER SYSTEM, telling them to go out and buy another 
> system to install Linux on, or that they should wipe their existing OS 
> and run Linux, just so that they can run a Freenet node is moronic. If 
> you want to expand Freenet, the way to do it is not by making it seem 
> like the only way to do so is on a Linux system.
> As to responding more intelligently then the ranter, well I'd say that 
> isn't all that tough to do. What is hard to do is is to have a 
> reasonable discussion when the other person chops out the majority of 
> your post, and then responds to a small snippet as if that were it's 
> entirety. (Yes, I snipped a bunch from this last post, cheifly the more 
> insulting crap.)
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