Don Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That's good to know.  Thanks.  In the event log, does the message say
> "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of
> concurrent TCP connect attempts."?  Cuz if so, that's the 10 half-open
> connection thing I mentioned in an earlier post.  So far, that's the
> only TCPIP messages I've gotten in event manager, personally.

Yup, that's the message. And while I said I'd only seen it on starting Freenet
I've now seen it 3 times in 24 hours - after I started running FreeSpider.

Spidered: 2933  Unspidered: 7378 after 24 hours for those of you keeping score
at home.

In response to your other comment taht you may not keep it running on a 
desktop machine.

Running Windows XP Pro on a Celeron 1.1 GHz runs quite nicely on a desktop 
machine (my wife's) and you'd barely know it was there. Just so long as the
bandwidth settings (incoming and outgoing) are limited so email and web browsing
isn't too slow. BUT I did have to increase the RAM. Since 5088, 192 Mb of RAM
wasn't enough. Now with 768 Mb Windows is much sweeter (with or without Freenet).

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