On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 00:27:44 +0100, Newsbyte wrote:

>Frustrating? Can't be! It has much improved, *much* I say. If you don't
>believe me, ask toad and Ian!Even the simulations say so! We have NIO and
>NGR now, so things definately have improved for noobs like you, whatever you
>may think about it yourself!

So you're saying it should be faster? But even when I used the Freenet gateways,
they were very slow.

>build do you use? What OS? What JVM?

Win2k, I just downloaded the program complete with the Java machine from

"About" says: Version

> How many Open Connections do you have?

I have no idea.

>Do you have NAT, are you behind a firewall?The last question will be 'yes'
>to which the answer will be: 'oh, then it's probably that. You have to punch
>a whole in your firewall and set the NAT right, and then Freenet will work
>like a charm (a level-2-in-Morrowind one). There you go!

I only have a software firewall. I've turned it off for now, no difference so
far. If the firewall was in the way, wouldn't it block everything, instead of
slowing it down?

Clueless Newbie
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