On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 01:39:54 +0100, Newsbyte wrote:

>Actually, I was being sarcastic, which you may not have noticed, being a

OIC. :-)

>version. The version is one thing, the build something else. It should be
>5100 (you can see that when you open fproxy), which it probably is.

Yes it is.

>OpenConnections you can see on the start to (left), with fproxy, though you
>need to go into advance mode (upper right, I believe) first.

Oh, that's interesting.
Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit)       89 (43/46/200)
Transfers active (Transmitting/Receiving)       41 (19/22)

Is that good or bad? Interestingly, even that many connections use very little
of my bandwidth.
BTW, how big should the cache, or 'store' be? I guess the 300 MB I've given it
are not nearly enough.

>Anyway, feel free to snoop around at www.freenethelp.org, which has become
>quite an elaborate helpsite....which isn't all that surprising, I guess ;-).

Thanks for your help. Well, Freenet seems to be working, or maybe limping...
but Frost still doesn't get any messages. Is this program even being used?
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