On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 03:14:52 +0100, Jose M.Arnesto wrote:

>       Which version of Frost are you running? You said in an earlier
>post that you were seeing error messages on the console and that makes
>me think that perhaps you are using an outdated version. The latest
>release was 22-Nov-2004 and you can find it here:
>http://jtcfrost.sourceforge.net (look in the "download" section).

Ah yes, that was probably the reason. I had downloaded the version from the
Freenet Help index, thinking that would be up to date. Ho hum... :-)

>       Download it, install it and let's see what happens then.

Strange things happen: I click on Frost.bat and a window of Java Virtual Machine
pops up saying "Could not find the main class. Program will exit!"

Well, I'll worry about that tomorrow, thanks and good night!
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