It occurred again this morning.

>From the LAN and the Serial pfSense Console I can ping the LAN NIC, as well as 
>the Motorola Modem on

>From the LAN and Console I can also ping the static IP on the WAN in form of 
>a.b.c.x but I cannot ping the ISP or a.b.c.1.

Rebooting pfSense fixes all this, restores Internet access and allows pings to 
a.b.c.1 and the ISP again.

The modem lights remain on and I do nothing else to fix it.

I do not think it is PPPoE, but will check it out, there is no dialling 
involved with password that I am aware of, unless this is 
ISP configured in the setup they send the modem, in any event the modem is 
still functioning with all lights up.  There is a web 
server which has varying low volume activity and I am also recording pings 
every 30s to the ISP, to keep a record when it all goes 
down.  I don't think the modem is timing out due inactivity.  Also it occurs 
during terminal sessions, which is infuriating, as one 
might imagine!  Sometimes outages are ISP caused and they have extensively 
looked at the setup, recut cable ends etc. and they also 
suspect my firewall.

Kind regards

David Hingston

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tortise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] pfSense Hanging...

Thanks Chris

The answers to your questions are:

Strictly it is not a hang as the system does not freeze, it largely functions 
normally, just loses Internet transparency.

LAN functions normally, DHCP on the LAN, and the pfSense webGUI functions 
normally, can read logs, reboot from this etc.  Reloading
the filters functions as one would expect, however the connection is not 

The System Overview readings appear normal, states is now currently 110.

The LAN and WAN graphs appear the same as when it is functioning normally.

If there was a worm sending out screeds I would hope I'd be aware if it.

WAN is statically assigned an Internet address.

Modem links lights remain up and the modem continues to function normally.  One 
can replace pfSense and connect a notebook PC Card
NIC, configured with the Static IP and resume Internet access, proving the 
modem has not failed.

I can ping the LAN nic but can't ping my ISP thru pfSense, although I can when 
I reboot and it is again normally functioning.

Essentially it appears to be functioning normally, except the connection 
through stops / disappears!  Everyone on the LAN loses
Internet connectivity.

Anything else I can advise I'll be delighted to do so, although it might be 
when it next happens.

Kind regards

David Hingston
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Buechler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] pfSense Hanging...

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 12:27 +1200, Tortise wrote:
> Thanks Bill
> Gosh, thats got to presumably use more than the default of 10,000!
> Currently there are 116 there.

Easier than you might think. If you have a worm infected laptop plugged
into your network only periodically it can cause state table exhaustion
and the type of symptoms you describe. It wouldn't be (even close to)
the first time I've seen that.

When it "hangs", what exactly do you mean? There are tons of
possibilities for "hangs". Does it become completely non-responsive,
console dead and all? Does the console work but it falls off the network
completely? Is the LAN still up and the webGUI functional but Internet
just doesn't work? If that's the case, you said cable modem, I presume
that's DHCP, do you have a valid WAN IP when it happens? Do you have
link light on WAN? Are all the lights on your cable modem normal? Can
you ping your default gateway? etc. etc. etc.

Be as specific as you can be, the details you gave lead to a lot of
questions and not a lot of specific recommendations.

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