I am having exactly the same problem. pfSense 1...? RC1 (I think) on a
jokebox with 64MB RAM, so I replaced the box and all NICs with something
bigger, running pfSense 1 final (from Dec 06).

Hosts on the DMZ remain reachable from LAN, Motorola cable modem (since
replaced with a newer model) is reachable from the LAN via the WAN
interface, proving there is no hardware fault. ISP's gateway is not
rechable from LAN or the pfSense machine. Everything looks as if the cable
service has gone down, except that I am certain it has not - each time I
reboot the pfsense machine, and Internet connectivity is back immediately.

Last time it happened there were 2 Linux machines on the LAN. Never any
potentially infested machines running another OS. There must be some
condition which takes down a part of pfSense to do with getting packets to
the ISP's gateway. My state table size is the default 10000, but doesn't
that clear itself eventually if it was filled? Problem persistet for 4h
until pfSense reboot.

The cablemodem has a static route on pfSense to shove all packets from the
LAN to the modem's 192.168... address out the WAN interface. Does the modem
being reachable with this prove that the WAN interface had a valid IP

The cablemodem reconnects to the ISP automatically, and that has been very
reliable for years. I'd have to look up how the modem connects to the ISP.


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