Wally Mono wrote:
> So if I understand you correctly, the pfSense-1.2-RC2-Embedded.img.gz
> on
> <http://pfsense.untouchable.net/downloads/pfSense-1.2-RC2-Embedded.img.gz>
> on the download site today is not the same as the one I downloaded in
> August? That seems a little problematic. Perhaps I COULD contribute
> something to this project in the way of version control advice; put a
> build # on the release! It could be yy.mm.dd.

Yeah, this could probably be improved.
On the other hand, once you've written it to flash or CD, it's not
obvious anymore anyway, which version you have in front of you - unless
you label the media...

> I'm not sure this is actually how they are released, but I have always
> been a little annoyed and leery of the fact that the timestamp on the
> files in the download area always have the current date. If indeed the
> current RC2 is actually a silently rolling version, some indication
> needs to be place either on it (my preference) or, at the very least,
> in a readme file called something like AA_VERSION.txt
> I will try burning a new copy this weekend. FWIW I have another box
> running the identical version, but not using OPT1(multiwan) and I do
> not have this same problem of the rrdtool crashing.

When not a RELEASE, I always download from
Hoping, of course, that it's not b0rken at the time ;-)


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