On a side note, 

You'll also see a themes folder, copy one of those folders down - edit to
your hearts desire and then reupload with a new name.

You'll then have a custom them for your firewall that you can select from
your GUI's drop down list.



From: Tim Dickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 10:28 AM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: RE: [pfSense Support] icon


This is the favicon.

Use WinSCP to connect to your firewall using "root" as the username and your
gui password as the password.

Browse to \USR\LOCAL\WWW

You'll see favicon.ico in there - overwrite and when you browser refreshes
its favicon list - you'll have your new icon!



From: Anil Garg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 9:41 AM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: [pfSense Support] icon


The web browser shows the three circle of pfsense branded icon.
Where is this stored and how can it be branded with my own icon using a file
called say... garg.ico?

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