If that Broadcom card isn't on the supported hardware list for FreeBSD 7, you may be up a creek without a paddle unfortunately. You may try installing straight FreeBSD 7 on this machine and see if it recognizes the cards. That won't help you put pfSense on it, admittedly, but it'll at least give you a clue as to whether or not you'll see support for those cards anytime in the next year or two.

Adam Costello wrote:

Hi Sean,

Sorry didn’t put this in the message below, the Braodcom (NetXtreme BCM5722) is actually the embedded NIC so I can’t replace :(

Is my only option a custom build (if I can find the FreeBSD drivers for it)?



*From:* Sean Cavanaugh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* 15 May 2008 15:09
*To:* support@pfsense.com
*Subject:* RE: [pfSense Support] Intel Pro 1000 VT

> To: support@pfsense.com
> Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 09:50:17 +0100
> Subject: RE: [pfSense Support] Intel Pro 1000 VT
> I originally thought the problem was that the Intel was not working and the > Braodcom was, however with my recent findings have led me to believe neither
> were working originally :(
> I've had a look at the supported hardware list for FreeBSD 7 and it doesn't > appear in there. I'm quite worried that there is no way round this problem.
> Cheers
> Adam

If the hardware is not on the supported hardware list, they will NOT work with pfSense. You will have to get another NIC for the server.


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