Optionvalues are NOT correct in my real setup.
Should have removed them. I just tried to point out what options I was
playing with.

Regrads, Simon

P.S.: Jup bfh but have trouble to place your name (ex. stud?)

Beat Siegenthaler wrote:
> Simon Gerber wrote:
>> ALIX board (latest bios installed) using either CM9 or wlm54abg 200mW as
>> wireless card with 2 antenna setup. Installed on Microdrive using
>> embedded kernel but else "writable" setup.
>> Played with sysctl settings to no avail.
>> In errors stilll here after playing with the following paramters in
>> almoast every combination:
>> hw.ath.txbuf: 3000
>> hw.ath.rxbuf: 6000
>> dev.ath.0.txantenna: 2
>> dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 2
>> dev.ath.0.diversity: 0
>> dev.ath.0.tpscale: 1
>> dev.ath.0.tpc: 1
> For a two antenna setup, this seems to be wrong for me:
> dev.ath.0.txantenna: 0,1,2 (antenna port 1 or 2, both=0)
> dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 0,1,2 (antenna port 1 or 2, both=0)
> dev.ath.0.diversity: 0,1 (0=disable 1=enable)
> Source:
> http://devwiki.pfsense.org/Wireless
> p.s bfh? de sälüü.. ;-)

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