On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Aliet Santiesteban Sifontes
> Found part of the problem, I installed a clean pfsense, and setup
> again the three interfaces.
> WAN-->> Connected to our isp trought a /30 private newtork
> OP1-DMZ-->> With the public range address assigned by our isp
> LAN-> Private segent.
> Nothing configured, I mean, nat, bridge etc.
> Added to simple rules, one to allow any from Lan in Lan interface, and
> one to allow any from dmz interface.
> with this setup hosts on the dmz segment can't reach the outside
> world, this hosts are configured with public network addresses,

You have to use Advanced Outbound NAT to use public IPs on an internal
network. Adding a gateway to this DMZ interface, unless it has an
Internet connection and will be used as an additional WAN, is wrong.
It disables the NAT configuration since it thinks it's a WAN
interface, but that's wrong, you need to remove that and properly
setup AON.

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