Hello, I have a policy routing and re-direct question.

Is it possible in PFSense to do something like the following:

A request comes to PFSense on the internal LAN interface on port 80 or port 443. Instead of passing this out WAN to the Internet, can the traffic, instead, be re-directed to a different port number of another internal machine (e.g. a proxy server or content filter)?

Ascii art example:
LAN Network Workstation port 80 or 443 request --> PFSense LAN interface --> internal PFSense rules, etc --> re-direct back out interface to 2nd Internal network machine which would then either serve the content or fetch it from the Internet

I'm asking this to see if it is feasible to set up a traditional proxy server/content filter in a way to avoid having to configure proxy settings on each client machine. I'm also wanting to keep the proxying and content filtering off of the gateway routers. If it would make things easier, the 2nd machine could live on a different PFSense interface.

Thanks for your help.

Vaughn Reid III

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