According to Tim Nelson <> on Thu, 01/08/09 at 11:22:
> I don't have the previous messages quickly available but IIRC you're
> running DHCP on your OPT interface which is bridged. IIRC, DHCP on
> a bridged interface does not work?

Yes, I have OPT2 (ath0) on the 4801 bridged to the LAN (sis0) on the 4801.

I had no idea that DHCP on a bridged interface would not work, sigh...  :-(
But thinking about it now, it does make a bit of sense.  Wish I could
have set up static IP addresses on the wireless client end - that was
my original plan.

I enabled the DHCP server in pfSense (unlike the URL wireless access point
example configuration I mentioned in a reply) since I don't have a DHCP
server running on my local LAN (although I could easily set one up - this
is FreeBSD after all!)   :-)

The reason I used this configuration was because it was easier for
my testing since I didn't know how (have never set up) to configure a
FreeBSD (or Linux for that matter) wireless client using a static IP
address.  For my testing on the T42 client, I first tried:

    ifconfig_ath0="WPA DHCP"

and let it go with that.  Today I can associate with the 4801 using:

    ifconfig_ath0="WPA DHCP media 11g"

So, I changed that to this:

    ifconfig_ath0="WPA media 11g"

in order to test your suggestion of static IP address configuration,
but I am not sure that would have done it.  In the last two examples
above I get a successful wireless association, but not route off the
wireless client.  It was after this test that I found out that even a
local (to the 4801/pfSense) ping(8) test did not work.  :-(

> > Recall I have the OPT2 interface bridged to the LAN interface.  And
> > I have these (and only these) firewall rules on those two interfaces:
> > 
> > OPT2:
> > 
> >  * * * * * *
> > 
> > LAN:
> > 
> >  * LAN net * * * *
> Change that 'LAN net' to a * as well. Just some minor stabbing in the dark 
> here...

Okay.  That is an easy change to make (and to test).

> So in the web interface there is nothing configured at all for the WAN?

Yes, that is correct.  It is unused in this (access point only) application.

> Since you're simply using this device as a bridge, you should not
> need to worry about the routing tables. Only the traffic from the
> pfSense box itself will have routing problems, not the devices on
> the bridged interface. Also, it just occurred to me that you don't
> even need to be running DHCP on the pfSense box if it is in fact
> bridged. the DHCP server on your m0n0wall device will hand out DHCP
> happily to any of the bridged clients as well, assuming the firewall
> rules are setup propertly. :-)

I am simply using it as an access point (which according to the example
URL that I found on the pfSense wiki "AccessPoint2" also showed using
pfSense in this same bridging mode) which also happens to bridge the
LAN and the OPT2 interfaces.

True enough, except I am not running a DHCP server on the m0n0wall
gateway either.  Like I said, I could easily set up a DHCP server on
my local LAN on a FreeBSD box, but since I use static IP addresses
in the RFC1918 non-routeable "net ten" address space, I have not had
the need to set up DHCP prior to this (wireless) test.

Ah, there's the rub: "...assuming the firewall rules are setup properly."  :-)

> Flash is a nice presentation format but some of us don't like it
> either. Then again, you get what you pay for. :-) Boot up another
> box (Linux or Windoze) and redo the tutorial in a PDF or something
> similar. :-)

I don't know how to do that, or I would.  The word "redo" above is a
problem for my lexical parser...  ;^)

I have no Bill Gates' software anywhere.  And I have no use for it.

> While not for the same reasons, I'm eagerly awaiting the book as
> well. pfSense is incredibly robust and having a nice "all-in-one"
> reference will be nice. Plus, it gives everyone a nice opportunity
> to support the project.

I'll second that.  If I get this working, I may consider writing up
the steps I took, since it may be useful to the next guy...  :-)



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