Max Cristin wrote:
Hi Jesse,

I just had the same exact scenario. I had a DSL connection with a /29 subnet (5 usable ips), then last week I added another /29 subnet. The new block is in a completely different subnet than the original one.

This is how I configure it. The original subnet was setup with CARP virtual IP's (1 for every ip), all I did for the new block is adding a new virtual ip network, this time using Proxy Arp and entering the new /29 subnet. I left the WAN address and everything else untouched and it all just worked. Not sure if using CARP for the new subnet would work as well, I haven't tried it.

I hope this will work for you. I'm using 1.2.3-RC1 btw.


Jesse Vollmar wrote:
Hey guys,

after googling this for a while, I'm not finding any clear instructions for doing this. I currently have a multi-wan scenario with failover configured. I just purchased another static IP block from one of the ISPs and they are now routing those to me (so they say). I would like to use this new subnet in concurrence with my old subnet, both on the same interface (OPT1). The subnets do not share the same gateway. What is the proper way to configure this?
Thanks, Jesse

CARP IP must belong to the same subnet your interface has. GUI just will not allow you to create CARP IP from different subnet. What MAx described is possible but Jesse confused me with "the subnets do not share the same gateway".


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