Vick Khera wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to make my ftp service pass the PCI
security compliance (we take credit cards, so need the compliance).  I
have pfSense 1.2.2 running the ftp proxy to my internal box, which is
a FreeBSD 7.2 server running the stock ftpd.

A probe from the outside looks like this:

telnet 21
USER anonymous
PASS word
PORT 66,250,193,115,21,178

and it responds

200 PORT command successful.

In fact, it responds successful to connect to any IP and any port.

If I telnet to port 21 from inside the lan to the same freebsd server
and issue a PORT command to any host other than the one from where I
am connecting I get:

500 Illegal PORT range rejected.

The FreeBSD ftpd's PORT command by default is limited to privileged
ports on the same host as is connected to it.

I do not believe pftpx has setting this. I would disable ftp-helper on WAN and use NAT port-forwarding top you FreeBSD ftp-server (I use pfSense in this way).

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