Vick Khera wrote:
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Evgeny Yurchenko <> wrote:
I do not believe pftpx has setting this. I would disable ftp-helper on WAN
and use NAT port-forwarding top you FreeBSD ftp-server (I use pfSense in
this way).

How portable is this to various ftp clients?  I've done this in the
past but it failed with some ftp clients, as I recall.
It is 100% (well let's put 99%) portable if you know what you are doing. Set up test box and we'll configure it for this mode. As was fairly mentioned you will have to have some port range mapped to your FTP server, but this port range is fixed and I can't see if it can be used somehow to hack your FTP server as any way if this port is listening on FTP server it means ftp process expects connection on it in passive mode. No other process takes any port from this range starting listening on it.

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