On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Dane Reugger <d...@downtownpc.com> wrote:
> I'm a long time fan of PfSense but several concepts elude me ... so I
> was hopping somebody had a VoIP QoS for PfSense how-to they could
> point me at.

The single most important aspect of a working QoS solution is to make
sure your outbound root queue is smaller than the upstream queue. I've
had perfect voip performance when this is done properly, but set it
one kbps too high and when the congestion happens it will be as if you
had no QoS.

I wrote a quick and dirty howto for QoS with voip on Tomato. It's a
different platform but the concepts are the same, in particular the
points on properly sizing your root queue.


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