I think it is useful to cover all the reasons why Ambisonics didn't 'take off' in the past and there is plenty of material here to cover that.

The interesting question is where it goes from here

I am halfway through my MA in Creative Music Practice and my original research question was "What are the implications of 3D sound for the composition, production, performance and dissemination of music?". Over the past couple of years I have been working with my commercial collaborator, Kieran Tyrrell of Sonalksis, on ideas around production tools and the point where Ambisonics stands out is as a core intermediate and archival format. We have a mixing system where the mix busses and reverb are in 3rd order B-format. This enables any project to mixed to full 3D with height in a suitably high positional resolution. The output can be mastered to whatever format you desire from mono through to a 30 channel icosahedral orthoganal array, VBAP, 10.2... you name it.

The point being that for any format to succeed it needs content and for content to be created, there needs to be an audience with suitable kit to listen on - its the classic catch 22 so we decided to take the approach that we have. In commercial terms, the probable first market will be for live events from big product launches matched to immersive video, big dance club installs and art/theatrical performances. We have certainly got a lot of interest so far.

Because of the support of the academic community in supplying plugins (thanks, Bruce) and Max/MST externals (thanks ICST) coupled with the processing power of today's Macs and PCs. Creating custom systems that can utilise Ambisonic techniques is really straightforward. The major cost is in the number of outputs, amplifiers and speakers you need to playback the results and hence our focus on big, well funded, live events.

Cara - feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions - we may even be able to collaborate on stuff

Simon Edmonds

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