This is a diversion. Maybe it is part of being interested in surround sound to believe it is really important.

Of course music exists that is not in front. But the vast bulk of concert music is not like that. People like to look at what is happening. They always have, and I doubt that this will change soon.

We all know this.  I suppose if organs in churches are the
main thing you listen to... but that is a miniscule
part of the acoustic music market.
Probably someone will  mention Gabrieli eventually and Berlioz
Let us read those as given and admit that music is mostly in front.
Because of course it mostly is.


On Sat, 31 Mar 2012, Paul Hodges wrote:

--On 31 March 2012 12:53 -0400 wrote:

Music of the ordinary sort is in front . . .

Yes it is!  Which is why Ambisonics makes *no* sense for the FRONT in  a
musical reproduction system.

"Music of the ordinary sort" being the music that's in front, I guess, making that a tautology.

I frequently listen to, and record, music in churches (commonly with an organ behind or to one side), and concerts with music surrounding the audience in the round (in places as varied as Walthamstow Town Hall, The Union Chapel Islington, and the Royal Festival Hall).


Paul Hodges

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