Dear Sursounders,

the initial post of "A proposal for an Ambisonics based 3D audio codec ..." by Stefan Schreiber put all the things together so clearly and nicely. MPEG-H 3D Audio might be the beginning of commercial breakthrough in 3D audio. Ambisonics has been there since the 70's. We all know its outstanding advantages. The public doesn't know.

Now this could change.

An MPEG-standard is a huge thing. Many, many people are involved in creating it and once finished it has its own life: beeing accepted, hacked or ignored.

We did standardisation before. AMB has been declared by Martin Leese seven years ago (if I remember correctly). It has been worked out. Software in many flavours has been coded. All necessary ingredients seem to be availible. Let's take part in building the MPEG standard!

Auro-3D and IOSONO don't have to be *replaced* -- Ambisonics has to be *added*.

Ambisonic's problem was, that there had to be an expensive physical decoder. This changed. Nowadays every 3D audio format needs to be decoded. Even Dolby realized, that decoding arbitrary speaker feeds is indispensable to next generation 3D audio.

This is a chance we only have once: Ambisonics being included in a world wide standard - for free! But it will not happen magically by itself. This list has so much manpower. If we are all pulling together, we can do it. It is possible.

If you're feeling addressed >> get in touch with me off-list (
Please consider:

1. How much time are you willing to invest?
2. What is your expertise? What do you do best?
3. What is your motivation?

If there is enough resonance, I will do my best in organizing the thing.

As for me:
I'm 28 years old, grown up in munich. I live in berlin. I lurk on this list for about 10 years. To graduate high school I had to write a skilled work in physics. As theme I chose: Ambisonics. In DIY style I mounted 4 schoeps mk4 in a tetrahedron and did some nice concert recordings in first order B-Format. I do linux and mac os. I have a classical education in piano and singing. Last year I graduated SAE as audio engineer. Maybe we saw each other at IRCAM 2010, ICSA 2011 or TMT.

Best regards,
Gabriel Wolf
Sursound mailing list

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