Gabriel Wolf wrote:

In practice, those defining such a format need not only to define the
file format itself, but also define and publish basic tools to
create/encode and decode, to a suitably wide range of representative
speaker arrangements; and of course to be able to confirm the whole
thing with listening tests. As well as expertise, that requires
considerable physical resources, to say nothing of the generation of
source material for test purposes. One way and another, it is an
expensive business!

The beautiful double blind listening-test proof (very) HOA format maybe never will make it. An old WAVEEX based thing is also out of discussion. How about a thing in between?

A quick and dirty "we can do it 'till april"-ambisonics that covers already made .amb recordings up to third order and some additional screen and LFE channels?

What about ambiX? Franz Zotter reading? :)

I think it doesn't work like < this >.

The basic discussion would be if a soundfield approach should be included. After, you would define the details: Order, included direct front channels /LFE channels, file format etc.

Why are you actually not reading what I was posting? One of the requirements is "arbitrary" speaker layouts. Full stop. (There will be some fixed layouts, I guess. But still.)

MPEG-H 3D Audio is envisaged to provide a highly immersive audio experience to accompany the highly immersive experience provided by MPEG-H HEVC. Such an immersive listening experience will be realized by the rendering of a realistic and compelling 3D audio scene either by using a large number of loudspeakers, such as for 22.2 channel audio programs, or by using headphones supporting binauralization. Key issues to be addressed are a compact and bit-efficient representation of multi-channel audio programs and the ability to flexibly render an audio program to an arbitrary number of loudspeakers with arbitrary configurations. 3D Audio support via headphones is also a key capability in order to deliver an immersive experience for users of mobile devices.
A final CfP will be issued at the 103rd meeting in January 2012,

Don't speculate too much around, just < do read >.


Stefan Schreiber

P.S.: I know why I copy and paste such things.

Dolby Atmos also covers arbitrary speaker layouts, BTW. We are talking about the reality, which is already being implemented.
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