Tue, 1 Jul 2014 09:28:47 -0500, Sero <bassi...@gmail.com> wrote :

> Hello All,

Hello Serafino.

> First, thank you very much for this amazing and very useful mailing
> list.
> I have a query that might look like it is very newbie but it has
> created a big confusion in my head when someone asked that to me
> recently.

I have a quick answer that hopefully is correct.

> What is the best loudspeaker directivity (polar pattern) for an
> ambisonics listening rig?

I suspect that is should very directive.

> I am very confused about this because I cannot find any reference on
> this on any pubblication or discussion on the net.
> My feeling is that the larger directivity angle the best (up to
> omnidirectional) but I am still not sure about this.

Because Ambisonics is a technique to create a sound field in a small
sweet spot, interaction with the room should be avoided, especially
at low frequencies. So the omnidirectional pattern is probably the

> We have a lot of discussion on decoding coefficient, decoding
> directivities (in phase, max Re etc) but not on the best solution for
> the transducer directivity.

Or room treatment (passive and active); directivity is one way to avoid
problems with the room.

> I hope you can solve my uncertainty.
> Thanks
> Serafino

I think it's a matter of finding a trade-off; even with directive
speakers, room treatment is important to avoid at least first
reflections. And in a large room, where no treatment is possible,
directive speakers should minimize problems.
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